It seems as if a new social media site pops up as often as a new celebrity you’ve never heard of or a weed in your yard that you swore you just pulled up. So which ones have staying power and which ones are right for your particular type of business? We think all three below have potential to boost company awareness if handled correctly.
If social media sites were part of a mafia, Facebook is the Godfather. It was first and it makes the rules. There are more than a million small to mid sized businesses using this medium for advertising. Large companies are estimated to spend up to a hundred million annually advertising through Facebook.
Continuing with the mafia analogy, Twitter is the clever one with a slight attention deficit disorder. One minute something is trending and the next it disappears in the oblivion when something shinier pops up. It’s a tricky deal but if you know how to play the game, it can pay off in big ways.
LinkedIn is the charmer. It’s the site you never would’ve expected to be part of the mafia because it’s so sweet. It introduces you to friends of friends of friends and connects you to people in a professional web networking setting.