Most people claim taking the first step is the hardest. Is it any different when starting your own business? Maybe it’s step 2 or 3 in your journey as an entrepreneur that really bogged you down. Maybe it was the 5th rejection or the 17th obstacle. Wherever you are in the American dream, it’s essential to stay motivated to achieve your goal, and then wave good-bye at it as you exceed your own expectations and those of naysayers. Here’s what can help. 1. Taking a breather It’s proven that your brain and mental exertion can only last so long. After your limit is done, there is nothing productive that will come out of you. Only exhaustion and frustration. Zone out for a day or two. Or even half an hour. However long it takes to reset. 2. Reading over positive reviews or feedback If you’re struggling to remember why you even started down this difficult, but rewarding road, take a look back at some of the supportive messages people have written for you. Even if right now it’s just an “I love you” message in your lunch bag written on a napkin from your 5 year old. 3. Remembering who you’re benefitting Your dream will create jobs. Your dream will be of value to society. Your dream will boost the economy. Recognizing and remembering what your business will do for someone other than yourself can be a huge motivational push that works when all others fail. 4. Gathering together a community Sometimes, when we tell our friends/family our problems, we get a long list of how we should fix them (even though they’ve never been in your situation). Become a part of entrepreneurial community – online or in your physical region. They know what you’re going through and sometimes having another person say “me too” is enough of a reason to keep going. 5. Making a list As simple as it sounds, it can work wonders to taking the overwhelmed, “this-is-impossible” feeling off your shoulders. You can only do one thing at a time. Mark down what you want to accomplish that month, that week, that day, that hour and feel the pride you take in checking each one off.
How to Stay Motivated Part I: Entrepreneur Edition