Valentine’s Day Themed Award Presentation Set for February 14
Six Bridges Capital Corporation, in partnership with The Arkansas Capital Corporation Group, is pleased to announce that First Security Bank has been named its REAL (Real Estate Advantage Loan) 504 loan banking partner of the year for 2013. Six Bridges Capital, Arkansas’s leading provider of REAL 504 loans, will present the award Friday, February 14, at 10 a.m. Six Bridges Capital and First Security Bank partner in ensuring Arkansas businesses have the capital they need to succeed. Six Bridges and First Security partnered to lend more than $13 million to Arkansas businesses in 2013 and assisted in the creation of 60 new jobs. The media is invited to attend the award presentation, which will include a Valentine’s Day twist, at First Security Bank, 17810 Cantrell Road, Little Rock, on February 14 at 10 a.m. The Arkansas Capital Corporation Group of companies empower entrepreneurs by providing capital in conjunction with community banks to businesses through its capital availability products and advocating for entrepreneurs through capital, educational, and technological improvements. The Arkansas Capital Corporation Group serves as the platform from which new opportunities are launched. In addition to the flagship company, Arkansas Capital Corporation, there are seven affiliate and partner companies, including, Six Bridges Capital Corporation, Arkansas Capital Relending Corporation, Arkansas Economic Acceleration Foundation, Heartland Renaissance Fund, Connect Arkansas, Pine State Regional Center, and SouthWind Analytics. To learn more, visit Six Bridges Capital Corporation, established in 1989, is a private, non-profit, lending corporation specializing in financing for small business-occupied commercial real estate and equipment. As an economic development tool, the SBA 504 loan program through Six Bridges Capital Corporation provides long-term, permanent, fixed-rate financing to new and expanding businesses that have the highest probability of successfully creating new jobs for the state of Arkansas. The program, often referred to as “small business’ window to Wall Street,” is typically structured with a 10 percent borrower investment, a 40 percent subordinate SBA 504 loan and a 50 percent loan from a financial institution.