You’ve got 60 seconds to pitch your business idea to a few hundred audience members. If they like yours more than others, you’ll get a cash prize. You’ll get a surge of validation that might encourage you to pursue your idea. Most importantly, you might be introduced to people who can help make your dream a reality. That’s the concept behind “Gone in 60 Seconds,” which is one of numerous entrepreneur-friendly efforts in the state that didn’t exist a few years ago. Born in August 2011 and held about 10 times across the state so far, “Gone in 60 Seconds” gives 20 participants a chance to pitch their ideas before a voting audience. The winner typically wins up to $1,000. As the event’s creator, Jeff Amerine, describes it as “a mating, if you will, of ‘Shark Tank’ and ‘American Idol.’” According to David Moody, an entrepreneur who volunteers with the event, the real goal is to get a lot of ideas into the big end of an economic funnel so that startups – new, scalable companies – flow out the other side. “Gone in 60 Seconds” is one of numerous efforts that are part of what he calls an “entrepreneurial ecosystem.” Other parts of that ecosystem include:
- The Donald W. Reynolds Governor’s Cup, sponsored by Arkansas Capital Corporation, a business plan competition for college and graduate students;
- The Ark Challenge, a business accelerator program for technology startups;
- Startup Arkansas, which connects entrepreneurs with each other and is part of the Startup America Partnership;
- Innovate Arkansas, a joint venture of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission and Winrock International that encourages tech-based jobs in Arkansas.
An entrepreneur himself, Amerine’s job is helping the University of Arkansas commercialize intellectual property created by its research. He says the push for tech-based entrepreneurship really began picking up steam in 2004 with the release of a report by the Milken Institute ranking Arkansas 49th regarding its position in the knowledge-based economy. In response, business leaders along with the Arkansas Economic Development Commission created Accelerate Arkansas with the goal of helping Arkansas achieve per capita income parity with the national average by 2020. A number of bills were passed in the 2005 and 2007 sessions designed to improve the state’s knowledge-based climate. Amerine said other economic factors came into play to encourage the growth of entrepreneurship during this time period. A number of the state’s flagship employers reached maturity, so they no longer were adding jobs at a rapid pace. The real estate market boom ended, which meant investors had to look elsewhere to make money. The tougher economy meant good jobs were not always available with established employers. Click here to read the full article from Talk Business: An Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Takes Root