Whether you hate them, love them or love to hate them; one fact is true– clichés wouldn’t have become cliché if they didn’t resonate. Sure, you still need to “think outside of the box,” but not all clichés are eye-roll-worthy. Take a look at our top favorite ones that we think should be reintroduced to the workplace… and those that should never be used again.
“There’s no ‘I’ in team.”
Entrepreneurs tend to prefer to do things on their own (they wouldn’t have opened their own business if they didn’t), but it’s important to remember this straight-forward saying. Running a business takes a lot of moving parts, and if business owners want to be successful and maintain their sanity, hiring a team made up of passionate employees is imperative.
“The customer is always right.”
Of course, the customer is not always “right,” but in reality, that’s not the important takeaway with this popular phrase. Instead, use this general concept to face any business issues that arise. Every problem that a customer presents is a chance for your company to address it, make the customer happier and let them feel “righted.”
“If you want the job done right, you have to do it yourself.”
This cliché is the pessimistic cousin to the “There’s no ‘I’ in team,” phrase, and it’s the root of what causes many entrepreneurs to break or make poor business decisions. Instead of taking on every business task yourself, learn to delegate early on to promote better mental health.
“Ignorance is bliss.”
Sure, there are things you should ignore in your business (we’re looking at you, gossipers), but in order to scale, you have to know what is and isn’t working for your company. Don’t be blissfully unaware of advice that could benefit your business, how your clients feel or how your company is performing. In short, we combat this cliché with one that we think is more accurate– “Knowledge is power.”
No matter what niceties you choose to listen to, ignore or create for yourself, every business needs assistance. That’s why Arkansas Capital has provided our financing products and expertise to local businesses for over 60 years. If you’re looking to start a business or grow your existing one, contact us today.