By: Ashley Scott, CEM Program Specialist at CLEAResult Have you ever wished for a pile of money to just appear on your doorstep? I think we all have. While we can’t make money magically appear, your public utility company can help you put more money in your pocket on a monthly basis by helping you reduce your energy bills. Public electric and gas utilities in Arkansas have incentive money available to help reduce the amount of energy used every month. Small businesses, for example, can have a utility representative come to their place of business at no charge and perform an energy efficiency evaluation. The representative will evaluate lighting, air conditioning, water heating, and refrigeration, and then give the business owner a list of recommended changes, an estimate of annual savings and incentive dollars that are available to help offset the costs of implementing the changes. The utility representative will then provide a list of contractors who are qualified to perform the energy efficiency improvements. Most energy efficiency improvements have a relatively short return on investment because of the utility incentive. While it doesn’t magically appear, the savings can be significant and it costs nothing to find out if there are opportunities to improve the efficiency of your business. Programs are available for small businesses, homes, cities, schools, counties, as well as commercial and industrial businesses. There is even a program available to help offset the cost of having your air conditioner tuned up efficiently. For more information, go to the website of your gas or electric utility company and look for information on energy efficiency or contact us directly at CLEAResult is a national energy efficiency implementer that creates and manages energy programs that helps utility customers and businesses save energy, resources and money.