We never know when a disaster is going to hit. Whether it is a blizzard burying Alaska, a hurricane drowning South Carolina, or a wildfire taking out buildings in California, disaster can strike without any warning. In today’s tech-savvy world, even a power outage or computer crash could leave your business in trouble. Just as it’s important to have a disaster plan for your home and family, it is also important to have a disaster plan for your business to protect all you’ve worked hard to achieve. Help minimize the risk for your business by preparing for the worst. Such websites as the SBA and Ready Business supply ample information on how to best prepare for an unknown threat. Here is the Wall Street Journal’s take on three ways you can best prepare to protect your business, should disaster strike: Review insurance policies. It’s smart for any business owner to take out property insurance policies, which cover the cost of replacing damaged or destroyed equipment or buildings. But also consider business interruption insurance, which covers lost income in the event that your business is forced to shut down temporarily. Develop a contingency plan. Come up with a list of backup vendors or suppliers in case your primary ones are shut down. Consider alternative work sites so that you can keep operating. Keep a list of twenty- four- hour emergency numbers for all your employees, and develop a quick and efficient way of keeping employees informed. Back it up. Make backup copies of all critical records, such as accounting and employee data, customer lists, production formulas and inventory. Keep that information in a separate location at least fifty miles away, or subscribe to an online data backup service provider.