Accepting nominations through March 27
The Arkansas Capital Corporation Group and its affiliate The Arkansas Economic Acceleration Foundation announce the C. Sam Walls Entrepreneur Educator Award, funded by the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation. This award is being given in honor of C. Sam Walls and his relentless advocacy for entrepreneurial education in Arkansas. As chief executive officer of Arkansas Capital Corporation, Walls created what is now known as the Donald W. Reynolds Governor’s Cup Collegiate Business Plan Competition. Through his leadership, that event has developed into one of the premier collegiate business plan competitions in the United States and has been used to spearhead Arkansas Capital Corporation’s broad effort to support entrepreneurship in Arkansas. Two college or university educators will be awarded the Walls Award along with a $2,500 cash prize each and $2,500 to their respective academic institutions for use in the furtherance of entrepreneurial education. Any member of the faculty or administration of an Arkansas college or university that is currently participating, or has participated in previous years, in the Donald W. Reynolds Governor’s Cup Business Plan Competition is eligible for nomination. Any member of the faculty or administration of the nominee’s academic institution or any current or former student participant may submit a nomination. The award winners will be announced at the Donald W. Reynolds Governor’s Cup awards luncheon on April 9 at the Statehouse Convention Center in downtown Little Rock. The 2014 Donald W. Reynolds Governor’s Cup Chairman-level sponsors for the competition are Arkansas Business; Delta Plastics; Arkansas Farm Bureau; and Money & Politics Magazine. Sponsorships and tables for the event are still available. The Arkansas Capital Corporation Group of companies empower entrepreneurs by providing capital in conjunction with community banks to businesses through its capital availability products and advocating for entrepreneurs through capital, educational, and technological improvements. The Arkansas Capital Corporation Group serves as the platform from which new opportunities are launched. In addition to the flagship company, Arkansas Capital Corporation, there are seven affiliate and partner companies, including, Six Bridges Capital Corporation, Arkansas Capital Relending Corporation, Arkansas Economic Acceleration Foundation, Heartland Renaissance Fund, Connect Arkansas, Pine State Regional Center, and SouthWind Analytics. To learn more, visit AEAF was established in 1999, and is a private, non-profit corporation dedicated to education-based initiatives that promote and foster the development of innovation and entrepreneurship within Arkansas. With broad support from the state’s business community, AEAF’s purpose is to nurture people and ideas to generate future Arkansas entrepreneurs.