The worst thing about being a bad boss is less obvious than you might think. No, it’s not the feeling of conversations abruptly ending when you walk in a room. It’s not even the fact that you’re the only one not invited to parties. It’s that you can be a bad boss, and not even know it. It doesn’t stop there. Bad bosses don’t keep their negativity contained– that poor leadership spreads through employees, often resulting in low morale and even lower productivity. To fight back, take a look at our list of tips and tricks to help you be the best leader you can be– for your employees and your business.
Communicate Your Vision
More often than not, your employees show up to work each day wanting to do a good job, so help them with that! Be certain that your employees understand why they do what they do, and what’s expected of them. This not only engages them, but it also makes them feel more involved and motivated each day at work.
Allow Your Employees to Communicate
That being said, communication is a two way street! Empower your employees by maintaining a work environment where honest communication is not only accepted, but expected. This allows your staff to not feel like they have to handle stresses alone, and it allows for improvement of products, processes and procedures.
Build Trust
Without trust, your staff is more cooperating instead of collaborating. Build this bond by setting an example. Be honest and fair, through both negative and positive situations, and show that you’re a team player who can be relied upon. This not only builds trust, but also team-comradery.
Provide Feedback
In any leadership position, you should never underestimate the power of feedback. In fact, according to Globoforce, 81% of employees showed greater job satisfaction following recognition from their superior. This earned praise helps employees feel valued, confident and accomplished. The return? A more efficient, motivated workplace.
Encourage Happiness
There’s a fine line that separates good employees from great employees. In that line, you’ll find happiness. Whether your employees are flipping burgers, stationed at a computer or interfacing with guests, there’s always opportunity for fun and productivity. Maybe that opportunity is something as simple as verbal encouragement, or maybe it’s something less obvious like a lunchtime desk chair race. Whatever that looks like for your office, don’t allow it to be overlooked. Sometimes the smallest activities or actions are what makes an employee excited to come in to work each day. As a bonus? Chair races are great-team building exercises!
We understand– being a boss is a tough job, and unfortunately, there’s no magic formula to make sure that you’re always being a good one. But with these tips, in combination with our 60 years of lending expertise to new and growing businesses, we’re confident that you don’t have anything to worry about. Contact us today!