Who: The Arkansas Capital Corporation and The Arkansas Economic Acceleration Foundation, which manages the Donald W. Reynolds Governor’s Cup, invite the media to attend the event for photo and interview opportunities. Lunch will be provided. What: 2015 Donald W. Reynolds Governor’s Cup Awards Luncheon When: April 22, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Where: Wally Allen Ballroom, Statehouse Convention Center, Little Rock, Ark. Why: The Donald W. Reynolds Governor’s Cup is a statewide collegiate business plan competition. This year, 47 teams submitted business plans from 12 colleges and universities from across Arkansas in hopes of winning a portion of the $152,000 prize pool. Winners announced at the luncheon go on to compete in the Tri-State competition in Las Vegas, Nevada, in May with cash prizes of $118,000. How: To ensure a seat at the luncheon or to arrange for space to set up a camera, please RSVP as soon as possible to verkman@arcapital.com or call 501.374.9247. Luncheon seating is limited. The Arkansas Capital Corporation Group of companies empower entrepreneurs by providing capital in conjunction with community banks to businesses through its capital availability products and advocating for entrepreneurs through capital, educational, and technological improvements. The Arkansas Capital Corporation Group serves as the platform from which new opportunities are launched. In addition to the flagship company, Arkansas Capital Corporation, there are seven affiliate and partner companies, including, Six Bridges Capital Corporation, Arkansas Capital Relending Corporation, Arkansas Economic Acceleration Foundation, Heartland Renaissance Fund, Connect Arkansas, Pine State Regional Center, and SouthWind Analytics. To learn more, visit www.arcapital.com. The Arkansas Economic Acceleration Foundation (AEAF) was established in 1999, and is a private, non-profit corporation dedicated to education-based initiatives that promote and foster the development of innovation and entrepreneurship within Arkansas. With broad support from the state’s business community, AEAF’s purpose is to nurture people and ideas to generate future Arkansas entrepreneurs.